Data rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) is a high-speed mobile data standard that
allows data transmission speeds of up to 200 kbps to be achieved. The “G” in
EDGE previously stood for “GSM” but was changed to “Global” when the TDMA
network community adopted EDGE as part of its roadmap to 3G.
EDGE was
initially developed (by Ericsson) for GSM mobile network operators who fail to
win Third Generation (3G) spectrum. It was soon realized that EDGE would also
work on TDMA networks. EDGE can also provide an evolutionary migration path to
3G by making the changes in modulation that will be necessary for implementing
3G later. The idea behind EDGE is to eke out even higher data rates on the
current 200 kHz GSM radio carrier by changing the type of modulation used,
whilst still working with current circuit (and packet) switches.